Individual Therapy
It may be time to seek individual therapy if you experience distress due to negative thoughts, feel like hurting yourself or someone else, and engage in behaviors that interfere with your daily life. Therapy can also help if you cannot focus or feel overwhelmed and hopeless. It can help increase self-awareness and self-esteem.
Family Therapy
Relationship Counseling
Relationship counseling can be beneficial to couples who are looking to strengthen their emotional connection. Therapy sessions provide a supportive place to discuss issues, learn more about each other's needs, identify barriers, re-negotiate commitments, and identify ways to better strengthen your relationship.
Depression, Anger, Trauma, Grief and Loss, Self-Harm
Defiance, Aggression, Underachievement, Disorganization
Life Changes, Burnout, Stress, Interpersonal Conflict, Parenting
These challenges can negatively impact daily functioning and well-being. It can lead to self-doubt, low-self esteem, decrease work performance, and family conflict. Learning to handle difficult situations, make healthy decisions, and find joy in becoming more self-aware can lead to an improved quality of life.